Urban and Regional Policy Fellowship Program
2014 Call for Pre-Applications
The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) grants a limited number of fellowships each year through its Urban and Regional Policy program, which focuses on the policy issues and challenges common to metropolitan regions and cities in the United States and Europe.
Urban and Regional Policy Fellowships provide opportunities for practitioners at the urban and regional levels to meet with their counterparts across the Atlantic and examine policies that have been successfully implemented to address similar needs. Fellows travel for short-term (3-5 weeks) research periods, with the goal of returning to their work equipped with the ideas and insights necessary to effect significant and lasting change in their own communities. The fellowship travel period will be between September 2014 and May 2015.
Who Should Apply
GMF welcomes pre-applications from mid-career policymakers or practitioners in state/local government, private sector, or non-profit and policy organizations with a strong record of project completion. Though this fellowship is not intended for academic research, researchers that have opportunities to apply fellowship outcomes toward public policy may apply. For this cycle, GMF welcomes fellowship proposals under four themes: (1) mobility; (2) sustainability & resiliency; (3) regional governance; and (4) equity & inclusion. See the full fellowship summary for more information on the application requirements.
The deadline for submission of pre-applications is April 15, 2014. Successful pre-applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal in May.