The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) promotes understanding, strengthens relationships and facilitates cooperation among the people, institutions and organisations of Asia and Europe. ASEF enhances dialogue, enables exchanges and encourages collaboration across the thematic areas of culture, economy, education, governance, public health and sustainable development.
The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) invites photographers to participate in On the Go, a photo competition celebrating the 20th Anniversary of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). On the Go theme is the motion and the pace of life in Asia and Europe, illustrating those moments how we can be different — and yet so alike.
Get discovered and win a career-changing award that gives you widespread exposure. Gain learning experience and get exhibited in Asia and Europe.
The competition is open to emerging and professional photographers that are at least 18 years old from ASEM countries.
Submission criteria:
All digital files must be 20 megabytes or smaller, must be in JPEG or .jpg format, and must be at least 2,000 pixels wide (if a horizontal image) or 2,000 pixels tall (if a vertical image);
Minimum resolution of 300 DPI is required;
The standard colour space for the judging process is sRGB;
The photograph, in its entirety, must be a single work of original material taken by the competition participant;
By submitting an entry, the contestant confirms that he/she owns the right to all her/his photo(s);
The photograph must not contain obscene, provocative, defamatory, sexually explicit, or otherwise objectionable or inappropriate content;
Entries depicting violence, racism, pornography, or any other issues that stand against ASEF values will result in immediate disqualification;
Each photograph must be accompanied with a caption (maximum 200 characters);
Only captions in English will be accepted for the entry to the competition.
Two winners will be selected by a distinguished international jury and an additional winner will be selected by online voting. Prizes will be awarded to all three finalists. Two winners will receive free trip to Singapore and will be hosted by LASALLE College of the Arts for an artistic residency. 20 photos will be showcased in various international exhibitions and 30 photos will be published in a photo book.
More prizes will be available soon.
All registrations to the competition shall be submitted online in the prescribed form. All required information must be duly completed (including all the required particulars of each Participant).
Deadline for applying is 6 September 2015.
For more information please visit the official website.