Translators (EPSO/AD/233/12 & EPSO/AD/240-241/12): Invitation to the Assessment Centers published in the candidates’ EPSO accounts
Invitation to the Assessment Centers published in the candidates’ EPSO accounts: 14/12/2012.
Assessment Centre sessions will be held as follows (approximate final date):
Grade AD5
Croatian-language translators (HR) 28/01 – 22/04/13 (223 candidates)
Estonian-language translators (ET) 30/01 – 25/04/13 (109 candidates)
Irish-language translators (GA) 30/01 – 07/02/13 (17 candidates)
Latvian-language translators (LV) 30/01 – 21/03/13 (80 candidates)
Portuguese-language translators (PT) 30/01 – 07/03/13 (63 candidates)