Staff Development Officer – eu-LISA

European-Agency-for-large-scale-IT-systems-eu-LISAVACANCY NOTICE – AGENCY’S TEMPORARY STAFF

Ref. No: eu-LISA/15/TA/AD5/11.1

Post: Staff Development Officer 

Sector/Unit/Department: Human Resources and Training Unit/Resources and Administration Department

Function Group/Grade: AD5

Location: Tallinn, ESTONIA

Application deadline: 23 January 2016


Applicants are invited for the above mentioned position at the European Agency for the operational management of large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice (hereinafter referred to as `eu-LISA` or `the Agency`), established under the Regulation (EU) No 1077/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 20113 (hereinafter referred as `the Regulation`).

The seat of eu-LISA is Tallinn, Estonia. The tasks related to development and operational management of the current and future systems is carried out in Strasbourg, France. A backup site is installed in Sankt Johann im Pongau, Austria.

eu-LISA is responsible for the long-term operational management of the second generation Schengen Information System (SIS II)4, the Visa Information System (VIS)5 and EURODAC6. In the future, it may also be made responsible for the preparation, development and operational management of other large-scale IT systems in the area of freedom, security and justice, if so entrusted by means of separate legal instruments.

Core task of eu-LISA is to ensure the effective, secure and continuous operation of the IT-systems. It is also responsible for the adoption of necessary measures to ensure the security of the systems and the security of data.

Beyond these operational tasks, eu-LISA is responsible for the tasks related to reporting, publishing, monitoring and organising specific trainings on the technical use of the systems, implementing pilot schemes upon the specific and precise request of the European Commission and monitoring of research relevant for the operational management of the systems.


The Human Resources and Trainings Unit, located in Tallinn, is responsible for designing, implementing, monitoring and updating eu-LISA’s Human Resource Strategy, policies and administrative decisions in the area of human resources management, professional development and training. It recruits personnel, manages personal files of staff and provides compliance guarantees with relevant legal instruments of the European Commission.


Reporting to and under the close supervision of the Head of the Human Resources and Training Unit (HoU), the Staff Development Officer shall be responsible for:

• contributing to the design and efficient implementation of HR processes, particularly in the area of staff development, such as competency mapping and benchmarking, project development and implementation, creating and managing the databases of skills and developmental interventions in accordance with the rules and principles established for the eu-LISA;

• designing leading and reporting on the annual highly sensitive projects of appraisal, calibration and reclassification in the area of staff development;

• initiating low cost high impact proposals in the area of staff development and implementing them according to the set scope and deadlines;

• administering the database of probation and contract renewal processes keeping track of timelines and reporting on them to the HoU;

• drafting timely inputs in the area of staff development to the monthly, quarterly and annual eu-LISA work programme implementation reports of the Unit, preparing content and materials to the monthly HRTU information session for staff as well as up to date information materials for the Agency’s intranet on HR matters;

• operational initiator in ABAC;

• carrying out research in the field of staff development and presenting the findings in the forms of notes to file, presentations, research papers for the benefit of the Unit;

• undertaking the tasks related to procurement of necessary tools, activities and advice if needed, for the benefit of the unit;

• maintaining the contract management in the area of staff development in the high-standard financial, content and project logic order;

• design questionnaires in the field of 360 evaluation of the Agency’s staff, carry out assessment projects and report on findings in this field;

• carry out regular staff satisfaction surveys and design the necessary intervention policies and projects in this area if required;

• create the eu-LISA good will ambassadors programme, involving former employees of the Agency in contributing to the creation and maintenance of the image of the good employer.

The Staff Development Officer may be required to assist in other areas of the work, especially in the drafting of administrative decisions, policies, concept and white papers of the eu-LISA, according to needs and priorities of the eu-LISA.

Read more and apply here.

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