Administrative Assistant, Contractual Agent, FG III – EU Delegation to China

eeas-logoPlease note that only candidates who passed the following CAST tests are eligible to apply for the EEAS posts in EU Delegations: EPSO CAST 25, EPSO CAST 27, EPSO CAST 2008 or the EPSO CAST 2010 (only DB3 candidates who passed also the test held in July 2011)

Please take note that:

  • Interested candidates can contact the contact points mentioned in the call of interest to obtain more information. Possible applications and CVs should be sent to contact points:
    • In the Delegation concerned
    • At EEAS HQ for Regional Security Advisor (RSA) Regional Security Officer (RSO), RITO (regional IT Officer) or Head of Administration posts.
  • Candidates should be aware that they are only eligible for posts which have the same function group level as the function group level of the EPSO test they succeeded.
  • After a further selection based on the CVs, the Delegation/HQ can invite candidates to participate in an interview panel and transmits the name of the selected candidate to HR Department in the EEAS HQ to start the recruitment procedure. This means that the selection procedure is organised by each Delegation concerned, except for RSA/RSO and Heads of Administration posts for which panels are organised in Brussels by the EEAS.
  • Please be aware that some vacant posts are filled, within the EEAS mobility process, with contract agents who are already jobholders in a Delegation or at EEAS Headquarters (HQ).
  • Candidates who are already working as contract agents in an EEAS post in the same Delegation for 6 years or more are encouraged to apply for another EEAS posts in Delegation.
  • Candidates who are already working as contract agents in an EEAS post in the same Delegation for at least 3 years can apply for early mobility. Their request should be approved by the Head of Delegation and by the HQ.

Deadline 06/04/2016 17:00 Brussels time

Please find the Job Description here.

Read more and apply here.

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