EPTATF Traineeship at European Investment Bank

Eastern Partnership Internship Programme funded by the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund

Deadline: 14/01/2018

The European Investment Bank seeks talented young individuals who can help to contribute towards improving people’s lives by promoting economic and social progress in the Eastern Partnership countries.

Objectives of the Eastern Partnership Internship Programme

This is a multiannual programme and its goal is to offer successful candidates an opportunity to improve their skills as well as the experience of working in an international multicultural environment.

The Programme, funded by the Eastern Partnership Technical Assistance Trust Fund, will look for candidates specialising in a field relevant to international investment and development banking, such as finance (in particular project finance, SME financing, credit and risk analysis) or economics (micro/macroeconomics, development, statistics, job market analysis) as well as environment, engineering (ports, roads, energy, etc.) or urban planning.

Eligibility to apply

The Internship Programme is open only to students who are nationals of the Eastern Partnership Countries (Azerbaijan , Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine).

Candidates must have a degree from or be in the final year of a course at an institute of higher education. Generally, successful candidates will have enrolled on a graduate study programme (be pursuing a master’s degree) and already have some work experience.

In addition, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • be a national of an Eastern Partnership Country1 only;
  • hold a degree from or be in the last year of a university programme in an Eastern Partnership Country;
  • be proficient in English and/or French; knowledge of other East European languages would be an advantage;
  • have demonstrated an ability to conduct analytical work, exercise good judgment and work as part of a team;
  • some work experience would be an advantage (usually no more than two years);
  • have no prior professional experience or in-house training for more than six weeks with other EU institutions, agencies or bodies2

What are we offering?

We offer an opportunity for professional development and global experience in an international environment. The EIB provides a competitive remuneration package to all interns, including a monthly stipend, insurance and reimbursement of travel expenses (one round trip from/to the point of origin/residence for up to 6 months internship or two in the case of 10 to 12 month assignments). Interns will be responsible for their own living/accommodation costs.

Each successful candidate3 must commit to a minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months in the Programme, to be spent at the EIB headquarters in Luxembourg or at one of the external offices. In the latter case candidates may only apply for a position in a country of which they are not a resident/national.

Available traineeships

  1. – Compliance Directorate (OCCO) – Compliance Corporate Division (CORP) – 104794
  2. – Corporate Services Directorate (CS) – Information Management and Procurement Department (IMP) – Procurement and Purchasing Division – 104795
  3. – Finance Directorate (FI) – Planning and Settlement of Operations Department (PRO) – Contracts and Disbursements Division – 104792
  4. – Legal Directorate (JU) – Legal Department, Operations (OPS) – Central Europe/Eastern Neighbours & Central Asia Division (CE&ENCA) – 104796
  5. – Secretariat General (SG) – Advisory Services Department – Strategy and Coordination Division – 104797
  6. – Transaction Management & Restructuring Directorate (TMR) – Transaction Management Department (TM) Restructuring & Resolutions Division (RR) – 104793

1) Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. The EIB will seek to achieve reasonable balance of EPTATF country nationalities amongst selected candidates.
2) The EIB wishes to offer the opportunity of in-service training
to as many people as possible; therefore, applications from candidates who have already had any kind of employment (including an internship, as an intra-muros consultant or researcher, a temporary staff member, a contract staff member, an auxiliary staff member or an interim staff member) will not be considered. For a complete list of EU agencies and bodies please visit: http://europa.eu/about-eu/agencies/
3) Interns selected for the Internship Programme can not apply to any other EIB-EPTATF recruitment Programme

Read more and apply here. (select “Internships”)


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