cafébabel English seeks Intern

Cafébabel-logocafébabel English is offering an internship for one dynamic young journalist looking to expand their portfolio

Do you love to write? Are you pas­sion­ate about jour­nal­ism and Eu­ro­pean af­fairs? Would you fancy joining the cafébabel team? Or maybe you are won­der­ing where to com­plete a re­quired in­tern­ship to fin­ish your stud­ies? If you an­swered yes to any of these ques­tions, cafébabel are look­ing for you!


cafébabel.​com does ­not pro­vide renu­mer­ated in­tern­ships. They could pro­vide any doc­u­men­ta­tion nec­es­sary for fund­ing (such as through the Eras­mus + pro­gramme or schol­ar­ships pro­vided by your uni­ver­sity). This in­tern­ship will take place at a distance, so you can work at home, for a max­i­mum of two months on a part-time or full-time basis. Trainees must also have a ‘con­ven­tion de stage’, mean­ing that the in­tern should be a stu­dent and/or re­quire a place­ment to com­plete their stud­ies.


– Help with day-to-day tasks in the Eng­lish-lan­guage sec­tion such as so­cial media pres­ence

– Trans­lat­e ar­ti­cles (specif­i­cally, from Ital­ian or Polish into Eng­lish)

– Pitch­ and writ­e ar­ti­cles with men­tor­ship pro­vided by ed­i­tor

– Search for il­lus­tra­tions for ar­ti­cles and tak­ing pho­tos, as needed

Application deadline: 31 August 2014

Read more and apply here.

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