Videographer/AV Production Technician – ECHA

echa-logoThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is launching this call for expressions of interest in order to establish a reserve list for the following contract agent profile:

Videographer/AV Production Technician

The job
The Videographer/AV Production Technician will work mainly in the Corporate Services Unit of the Agency under the Directorate of Resources.
The Videographer/AV Production Technician is responsible for dealing with the technical and operational matters related to the Agency’s audiovisual equipment and systems and, in particular, responsible for production of different kinds of video/multimedia products the Agency seeks to produce.
In particular, she/he will be responsible for among the following tasks:

  • Providing technical and practical support for preparing different kinds of videos or
    other audio-visual products the Agency need to prepare for external and internal
  • Providing technical and practical audio-visual support in meetings, conferences
    (including video conferences and webinars) and other events;
  • Acting as an on-duty technician in the Conference Centre control room during
  • Ensuring the technical functionality of the Agency’s audio-visual equipment as well as the infrastructure and perform preventive maintenance;
  • Working in several areas of video production, but with primary skills in filming,
    lighting, audio recording, editing and web-video production;
  • Producing and ensuring video-shooting, editing and post-production of documentary or tutorial videos;
  • Liaising with various teams to visualise their ideas and presentations with the aid of video or other multimedia tools.
  • Providing technical expertise and advice in the field of web/video production and multimedia products;
  • Assisting in the preparation of working instructions and procedures;
  • Performing other duties as assigned.

The closing date and time for submission of applications for this call is 20 October
2014 at noon 12.00 Helsinki time (11.00 Central European Time).

Read more and apply here.

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