The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) Communications unit engages and communicates with ECHA’s stakeholders and the agency’s staff. They manage the ECHA website, intranet and social media channels and coordinate ECHA’s communications in 23 languages. They coordinate media relations to ensure an accurate and proportionate media presence and ultimately safeguard our corporate reputation.
The four teams in the Communications Unit are: Corporate Communications, External Communications, the Newsroom and Digital Communications.
The Communication Trainee will support the work of both Corporate and External Communications teams. The tasks for the trainee include the following:
Corporate communications
- Contribute to and support internal communications vehicles – including for example, writing for the intranet, staff awareness activities, organising staff events etc.;
- Contribute to the production of publications and management of the image bank;
- Assist in activities related to corporate and visual identity, and reputation management.
External communications
- Contribute to and support external communication activities – including for example producing content to news vehicles and social media channels;
- Support the stakeholder engagement activities;
- Support the organisation of external events and visits.
- Contribute to media monitoring and analysis activities;
- Write articles for the ECHA e-Newsletter.
Starting Date: 1 March 2015
Duration: 6 months
The Agency is located in Helsinki, Finland.
Deadline for applications: 3 December 2014 at 24:00 EET (GMT+2)