The Brussels Model European Union (MEU) 2015 conference will be held in the Belgian capital from the 16th till the 21st of March.
The participation fee is 110€, and includes:
– Participation in Brussels MEU 2015
– Access to the Opening and Closing Ceremonies
– Access to 4 Social Events: European Village, Delirium, Place Lux and Bloody Louis
– 3 lunches during committee breaks
– A 10 journey ticket for Brussels public transportation
– The conference handbook and study guides
Brussels MEU will partially refund your travel costs to Brussels on the following conditions:
– You must have successfully participated at Brussels MEU 2015
– You must be travelling from one of the following countries:
– You must present your valid travel documents to the organizing team at the end of the conference.
– The the amount of the refund cannot exceed your travel costs.
12€* per participant: Belgium
48€* per participant: France, Germany
102€ per participant: Croatia, Austria, Serbia, Spain, Bulgaria, FYR of Macedonia, Italy, Romania, Slovakia, the United Kingdom
160€* per participant: Greece, Turkey
240€* per participant: Armenia
* The amount of this refund can change depending on the amount of applications per travel zone.
Accommodation costs are not included in the participation fee. Brussels MEU proposes participants several possibilities for accommodation.
The deadline for applications is February 8th 2015 at 23.59 CET.