Employment and Labour Market Specialist – ILO

international-labour-organization-ilo-logoJob Vacancy at International Labour Organization


The position is located in the ILO Decent Work Team and Office for Caribbean (DWT/O-POS) in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, that serves thirteen countries and nine territories (*The 13 member States are Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago. The nine territories are: Anguilla, Aruba, Bonaire, the British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Curacao, Saint Maarten and Turks and Caicos). The DWT/O-POS provides advisory services, capacity building and technical assistance to ILO’s institutional counterparts (including Ministries of Labour, Ministries/Secretariats of Planning, statistical and census institutions, education and training institutions and other government entities in the economic and social sphere, employers’ and workers’ organizations mainly through the execution of Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCPs) aimed at promoting the ILO Decent Work Agenda.

The position will manage activities and programmes for the effective and efficient achievement of the employment outcomes of the Decent Work Agenda and support institutional counterparts on technical aspects in the areas of employment policies and promotion; employability; competitiveness and the promotion of sustainable enterprises; green jobs; labour migration and labour market information and analysis. Special consideration will be given to the priority population groups such as youth.

The position will report directly to the Director of DWT/O-POS and receive technical guidance from the Employment Policy Department (EMP/POLICY). The person will also be required to work in close collaboration with other technical specialists in the Decent Work Team and in the region.

Description of Duties

Specific duties

1. Identify ILO employment priorities and outcomes of Decent Work Country Programmes, as well as sub-regional priorities on employment policies, job creation and labour migration.

2. Carry out technical advisory missions to countries in the sub-region and participate in multidisciplinary strategy activities of UN Country Teams in the areas of employment promotion, labour market policies and programmes.

3. Advise governments, workers’ and employers’ counterparts in the formulation, implementation and review of existing employment and labour market policies, institutions and information systems.

4. Design, backstop, monitor and evaluate technical cooperation projects – including joint programmes with other UN Agencies – for strengthening national capacity in the areas of employment and labour market policies and programmes, particularly in the areas of employment policy formulation and implementation, and delivery of employment services and job creation. Actively seek for funding opportunities.

5. Monitor and evaluate overall employment related developments in the sub-region, with particular focus on employment policies, labour market information and analysis, employment-intensive growth, job creation, youth employment and employment in the informal economy, as well as labour migration.

6. Evaluate and monitor the achievements of the economic policies of the countries of the sub-region and advise on strategies for integration of employment goals on macro, micro and mezzo economic policies to promote productivity, investment, growth and creation of quality jobs.

7. Advise institutional counterparts on: employment-friendly macro-economic frameworks; productive transformation policies; labour market institutions; infrastructure investment; employment and labour market information, decent work indicators, and development of labour market information systems at national and sub-regional levels; labour market diagnosis and analysis; conditions of decent work; wages policy; increasing productivity at micro- and macro-economic level, making best use of resources available.

8. Maintain and further develop the Data bank of Caribbean Labour Statistics, prepare annual Digest of Caribbean Labour Statistics, prepare inputs for the PANORAMA LABORAL and promote their use to users, maintaining appropriate liaison between the Regional Office and the Department of Statistics on the provision and exchange of information.

9. Carry out analyses and evaluations of employment problems in specific segments and activities of the labour market, in rural and urban areas and advise on the design, monitoring and evaluation of sectoral policy programmes. Conceptualize, plan, coordinate and conduct research. Contribute in multidisciplinary team work investigations.

10. Initiate, develop and maintain close contacts with governments and employer’s and worker’s organizations, as well as CARICOM and OECS secretariats in the area of specialization. In addition, close working relations with UNDP and other UN agencies, donor and cooperation agencies, development banks, bilateral sources and other bodies concerned in labour market policies, poverty eradication issues and related subjects with a view to developing joint activities.

11. Develop activities in the countries of the sub-region in coordination with the corresponding technical departments in Headquarters with emphasis on the creation of new decent and productive work opportunities.

12. Carry out other technical tasks and coordination as required by the Director of Decent Work Team and Office for the Caribbean.

These specific duties are aligned with the relevant ILO generic job description, which includes the following generic duties:

1. Design and promote a wide range of special subject-matter-related programmes, This involves: re-analysis of complex or conflicting data, statistics and information or policy guidelines, in a manner requiring the advanced application of principles of a recognised technical specialisation.

2. Develop and review an institutional framework, in which social partners can best improve, implement and evaluate efficient and equitable ILO action programmes.

3. Provide policy advice to ILO’s constituents on institutional strengthening, the application of ILO standards and the promotion of technical cooperation activities.

4. Formulate and submit project proposals and seek funding.

5. Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the project activities

6. Undertake technical advisory missions independently or in collaboration with other specialists.

7. Conduct seminars, workshops and technical meetings and training courses.

8. Prepare draft recommendations and guidelines for discussion and adoption as ILO Recommendations or Conventions on related technical fields.

9. Write manuals and/or training guides on related topics.

10. Disseminate information on programmes through publications and, press releases, as well as ensuring representation at donors’ meetings, international, regional and national fora and advocacy campaigns.

11. Monitor and coordinate research carried out by junior technical officers and external collaborators.

12. Provide technical inputs to office documents (sectoral meetings, technical committees, regional meetings and conference reports).

13. Participate in tripartite reviews on technical cooperation activities and international meetings and conferences.

Application Deadline (midnight Geneva time) 6 April 2015

Organization unit:   DWT/O – Port of Spain

Duty Station:  Port Of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/employment-and-labour-market-specialist-ilo/

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