Conference “Empire, Labour, Citizenship. Around Frederick Cooper. Current Researches on Globalization.”, Université Saint Louis

The conference aims at putting forward current researches in human sciences focusing on the concepts of empire, labour and citizenship and their connections with the long-term history of mankind. The presence in Brussels of Prof. Frederick Cooper (New York University), a leading scholar in (post)colonial African studies, will provide participants with a unique insight on their contribution.

The conference will also provide a rare occasion to further exchanges between specialists of various fields and areas.

There will be three panels:

1. Empires and the making of global societies;

2. The African experience of labour;

3. Citizenship in a (post)colonial world.

Eligibility/Requirements: Candidates should send a paper proposition (2500 signs) and specify the panel for which they consider their contribution to be the more relevant, adding a few keywords (between three and five) that best summarize their fields of study.

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Deadline: 1 September 2015

Read more and send your paper here.

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