Wolfgang-Gentner Fellowships at CERN

CERN-jobs-logoFederal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is offering Wolfgang Gentner Fellowships for EU Member States of CERN. Fellowships are awarded for a period of up to three years to pursue doctoral program at CERN. These fellowships are open for students who are studying at a German university or intending to study there. The participants of the doctoral program receive a tax-free residence payment and other possible benefits such as family or child allowances in accordance with the services provided by the CERN Doctoral Student Programs.


In the interest of a successful application, applicants should inform beforehand about possible topics and should contact the relevant supervisors at CERN. The list of current topics of the CERN Doctoral Student Programme is continuously adapted to the CERN work program.

It is recommended to set-up early links with the future supervisor at CERN, and the advisor at the home university in Germany. An application can also be done without giving a specific topic or supervisor. In any case, the final selection and topic assignment is make by the Technical and Doctoral Student Committee (TSC).

CERN’s main task is to provide and to operated major infrastructure to perform basic research in physics at the highest energies and other frontiers of current research. This involves a large number of engineering and technical tasks and topics. Students from field of engineering are therefore strongly encouraged to apply for the Doctoral Student Programme.

Topics generally excluded from the Programme are any studies of experimental or theoretical nuclear and particle physics.


After successfully selection students may start at CERN after 1-2 months at the earliest. During their stay at CERN, students are fully integrated into the appropriate workgroup. Supervision is provided by CERN staff in close collaboration with the professor at the home institute, who is acting as principal supervisor of the thesis. Work progress is documented by regular reports.

All students of the CERN Doctoral Student Programme receive a tax-free subsistence and, if applicable, further benefits such as family or children allowances according to the rules and regulations of the Programme.

The Wolfgang Gentner Programme supports regular trips to the students home university and to annual meetings of the respective national scientific society in Germany, and travel of supervisor to and from CERN.

Location: Switzerland, Germany (national symposia) and Home Country (regular trips)

Application deadline: October 30, 2015

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/wolfgang-gentner-fellowships-at-cern/

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