PhD studentships: Education, Childhood and Youth Studies – University of Portsmouth

University-of-Portsmouth-logoThe School of Education and Continuing Studies is advertising for two PhD studentships. These are 3-year studentships covering payment of home/EU level fees. The studentships comprise a package of approximately six hours teaching-contact in each week of the 24 teaching weeks in each year. This teaching is currently paid at £43.20 per contact-hour (subject to a yearly increment change). Some or all of this teaching may be replaced by a package of paid teaching-support activities of equivalent value.

Project description

These studentships present a unique opportunity to complete a PhD in Education and Childhood Studies and develop highly transferable skills by working within a university environment. The department currently organizes its research around 3 research clusters:

  • Digital Society and Education

  • Childhood, Health and Culture

  • Pedagogy, Policy and Practice in Education

Applications are welcomed for projects aligned to these clusters.

Who should apply?

Applications for this studentship are welcome from Master’s-level graduates or those about to complete a Master’s. Applicants will also have a strong academic track record either in the field of Education Studies or Childhood/Youth Studies. Studentship is available to European/UK students only.

Location: Portsmouth, UK

Application deadline: Friday 31 July 2015 (midnight).

Interviews expected: Week Commencing 10 August 2015
Start date: 1 September 2015

Read more and apply here.

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