Administrative Assistant – European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)

echa-logoThe European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is launching this call for expressions of interest in order to establish a reserve list for the following contract agent profile:

Reference number: ECHA/CA/II/2015/007

Vacancy notice: Administrative Assistant

Grade: FG II

Indicative n° on reserve list: 12

The job

Administrative Assistants will provide secretarial and clerical services to Heads of Units or provide administrative support to the operational teams throughout the Agency. Reporting to the relevant team leader or Head of Unit, the main tasks include the following:

  • Managing telephone calls, e-mail enquiries and correspondence, as well as providing information on matters relating to the team or unit;
  • Basic drafting, editing and formatting of correspondence and other documentation, managing and updating databases and other documentation in particular with respect to deadlines;
  • Supporting the procurement and administrative processes in place in the Agency (assisting in drafting technical specifications, participating in procurement procedures and assisting in managing the resulting contracts, including verification of deliverables);
  • Handling the mail operations by sending out contracts and other correspondence as well as keeping track of incoming mail;
  • Providing appropriate support to the organisation of meetings and events, including assistance in the preparation of relevant documents as well as all secretarial services;
  • Handling travel and accommodation arrangements, where necessary, and processing reimbursement claims in accordance with the applicable rules;
  • Providing assistance to processing documents in electronic and conventional document management systems for the team and producing reports;
  • Contributing to the drafting of quality management documents for the processes within the assigned areas of operation (for example, process descriptions and working instructions);
  • Act as a focal point for all staff matters, thereby liaising with Human Resources, Corporate Services and ICT support; administer internal systems for time recording and leave management.

Location: Helsinki, Finland

The closing date and time for submission of applications for this call is 25 January 2016 at noon 12.00 Helsinki time (11.00 Central European Time).

Read more and apply here.

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