Board Members at EST

European-Student-Think-Tank-ESTThe European Student Think Tank (EST) is looking for a Board Members

The EST’s seven board mem­bers serve one-year terms, mean­ing they need new board mem­bers every year. The board is split up in the Dir­ect­ive Board (Pres­id­ent, Treas­urer, Sec­ret­ary) and the Exec­ut­ive Board (Event Man­ager, Press and Pro­mo­tions Officer, Inter­na­tional Officer, and Editor in Chief). For the next term two new pos­i­tions, Acquis­i­tion Officer and Journal Editor, have been cre­ated. These two will be work­ing in close cooper­a­tion with the Treas­urer and Editor in Chief, respectively.

All pos­i­tions are open to under­gradu­ate and post­gradu­ate European stu­dents with a good com­mand of English.

Application deadline: 30th March 2014

Read more and apply here.

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