The fifth biennial conference – The Future of Journalism – will be hosted by the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies (JOMEC) at Cardiff University, UK. The 2015 conference theme will be ‘Risks, Threats and Opportunities’.
Call for Papers
Cardiff University, Cardiff, Cardiff CF10 3XQ, UK
A selection of the research-based papers presented at the conference will be published in special issues of the peer-reviewed journals Digital Journalism, Journalism Practice and Journalism Studies.
Sponsorship for the conference is provided by JOMEC and Routledge Taylor and Francis.
The plenary speakers will be Professor Jean Seaton and Professor Stephen D. Reese.
This call for papers invites contributions from the international community of scholars of journalism studies, journalism practitioners, educators and trainers, media executives, trade unionists and media regulators. Papers focused on any aspect of the broad theme, ‘The Future of Journalism: Risks, Threats and Opportunities,’ are welcome, although priority will be given to those papers addressing one of the five subthemes:
Journalism and Social Media. In the digital age of social networking, crowd-sourcing and ‘big data,’ how is journalism – and the role of the journalist – being redefined? How do we investigate the influence of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Reddit, and the like, on the gathering, reporting or consumption of news?
Journalists at Risk. Covering the world’s trouble spots has always posed acute challenges, but increasingly news organizations and their sources are being targeted in war, conflict or crisis situations. What are the key issues at stake to protect journalists’ safety and their right to report?
Journalism Under Surveillance. What does freedom of the press mean in a post-Snowden climate, when spying, leaks and whistleblowing are making news headlines around the world? What are the new forms of censorship confronting journalism today, and what emergent tactics will help it to speak truth to power?
Journalism and the Fifth Estate. At a time when the traditional ideals of the fourth estate risk looking outdated, if not obsolete, to what extent can we rely on citizen media to produce alternative, independent forms of news reporting? How best to reform mainstream media institutions to make them more open, transparent and accountable to the public?
Journalism’s Values. How are journalism’s ethical principles and moral standards evolving in relation to the democratic cultures of communities locally, regionally, nationally or internationally? What are the implications of changing priorities for the education, training and employment of tomorrow’s journalists?
Submission Instructions
Titles and abstracts for papers (250 words max) are invited by Friday 9th January 2015