Category: Seminars / Trainings

Value the Difference: Intercultural Competence

The Training Course Value the Difference #10: Intercultural Competence will take place from 6-10 November 2013 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom. This course will allow participants to reflect, explore and learn more about the field of Cultural Diversity in youth work, begin to understand the qualities needed by young people to live in pluralistic Europe, and how to …

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Free Media Training for NGOs Representing Vulnerable Groups

The Media Diversity Institute is seeking participants for a media relations training from Civil Society Organisations/NGOs who are involved in combating discrimination and championing the rights of vulnerable groups, to be held in London on 25-27 October 2013. The goal of this workshop is to raise the capacity of NGOs to communicate their messages to …

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Creative Europe – Media Seminar

In January 2014, the European Commission will be launching its new programme – Creative Europe – dedicated to Europe’s creative and cultural sectors. With a total budget of €1,462 billion for the period of 2014 – 2020, Creative Europe represents a budget increase of 9 % compared to the previous programmes and thus a much-needed …

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Online Learning – Google for Entrepreneurs

Join the Google for Entrepreneurs Online Academy Take your skills to the next level with business, marketing, and technical classes taught by leading entrepreneurs, academics, and experts. Read more and follow the Online Courses here.

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Opportunities for translators: schools training programme

The Stephen Spender Trust and Free Word offer a training programme for translators who are keen to gain experience of working in a school environment, sharing translation skills with young people. Are you fluent in English and at least one other language and interested in the process of translation? Would you be keen to introduce young people to some of …

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Open Culture – Free Online Cultural & Educational Media

Open Culture – Free Cultural & Educational Media Open Culture brings together high-quality cultural & educational media for the worldwide lifelong learning community. It’s all free. It’s all enriching. But it’s also scattered across the web, and not easy to find. Read more here.

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E-learning courses at the World Bank

  The e-Institute of the World Bank offers several e-learning courses. Check them out here

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A Citizens’ Agora to combat youth unemployment

The European Parliament’s Citizens’ Agora on Youth Unemployment aims to gather young people from all over Europe to discuss the current challenges in Europe’s employment market. Two young people from each Member State of the European Union, aged between 18 and 30, will be invited to this conference – one who is employed and one …

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Подготовка за европейските конкурси

Френският институт (София, България) организира втора поредна сесия за подготовка за европейските конкурси на 2, 3 и 4 октомври 2013 г., в партньорство с Националното Висше Училище за Администрация (ENA) и Международната организация на франкофонията (OIF). Подготовката ще бъде достъпна единствено за франкофони, като се изисква добро ниво на френски език. Обучители от CEES ще прoведат тридневна подготовка, …

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“Alphabet for Equaity in Europe” – call for participants

The trainig course will provide a catalyst for international cooperation and campaigning for recognition of minority rights in all our contries and will give different methods for combating discrimination, xenophobia and racism.  This project aims at the development of possitive atitude towards minorities and directly contributes to the promotion of equality. Facing the changes of …

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