Communication Officer (Grade B4)
Office of the Directorate General of Programmes
Council of Europe Office in Belgrade
Job Mission
Under the authority of the Head of Office and the supervision of the Horizontal Facility Co-ordinator, the incumbent will carry out multiple assignments to promote the communication and strengthen the visibility of the CoE/EU Horizontal Facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey (HF).
The incumbent will provide overall guidance to the Council of Europe offices and will assist in developing, planning, implementing and co-ordinating various communication plans and visibility activities in relation to the Horizontal Facility actions implemented across the region, in accordance with the Organisation’s communication strategy, visibility guidelines and donor requirements.
Employment is limited to the duration of the Horizontal Facility which is expected to end on 23 May 2019.
Key Activities
The incumbent performs the following key duties, in co-ordination with the Communication Officer within the Office of the Directorate General of Programmes, in accordance with the Organisation’s procedures, guidelines and priorities, with a concern for quality, efficiency, accuracy and confidentiality:
- provides guidance to HF staff on improving the aspects of visibility and communication, in accordance with Project Management Methodology, Communication Guidelines and Toolbox, HF Communication Guidelines and EU Communication Requirements;
- provides professional expertise and proposes new solutions and ways of improving communication and visibility of HF actions, results and achievements;
- identifies success stories highlighting the impact of the actions to be promoted through written and filmed interviews/stories/photos/infographics etc..) to be used on websites, social media and in newsletters;
- plans and co-ordinates the production and distribution of video material showing success stories and highlighting results;
- monitors, analyses and provides recommendations to increase the use of web and social media for individual actions and at the regional level ;
- supports the development and implementation of action-specific communication plans, including identifying results and corresponding communication indicators;
- proposes a set of key messages under each thematic area and provides guidelines on how to use them;
- provides guidelines to standardise the collection of the media coverage by the CoE Offices for individual actions, analyses impact/reach and provides recommendations for improvement;
- co-ordinates communication efforts with Communication Officers in EUDs, stakeholders and other communication multipliers;
- contributes to the efficient functioning of the office, in collaboration with the Head of Office, the Deputy Head of Office and the Project management in headquarters.
Please note that the incumbent may be required to perform other duties not listed in the vacancy notice.
Location : Belgrade, Serbia
Closing date: 25 July 2018