English Language Editor – UNON Nairobi

un-careersThe United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) is the UN headquarters in Africa and the representative office of the Secretary-General.

UNON support programme implementation of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the UN Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT) globally, as well as other UN offices in Kenya, by providing administrative, conference and information services.

This post is located in the Translation and Editorial Section of the Division of Conference Services (DCS), UNON.


Under the direct supervision of the Chief of the Unit, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties:

(a) Editing texts of a specialized or technical nature for accuracy, clarity, cohesion and conformity with United Nations standards, policy and practice;

(b) consulting with author departments and carrying out research to clarify ambiguities and rectify errors;

(c) providing authors or others submitting documentation with information on specific aspects of editorial policy and practice and assisting them in the preparation of manuscripts;

(d) providing guidance to contractual editors and translators with a view to refining their skills and performance and assisting them in solving problems which require specialized knowledge, linguistic insight and political judgement;

(e) assisting the Chief of the Unit in the organization of work, especially during peak seasons, meetings and conferences, inter alia, in the composition of shifts and assignments to meetings in and away from headquarters, including those serviced by remote translation;

(f) deputizing for the Chief of the Unit on request and performs other administrative duties within the Unit which are assigned to her/him;

(g) performing other related duties as may be assigned.

Duty station: Nairobi

Application deadline: 29 June 2014

Read more and apply here.

Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/english-language-editor-unon-nairobi/

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Reviser, Chinese – UN Office at Nairobi

The United Nations Office at Nairobi (UNON) is the UN headquarters in Africa and the representative office of the Secretary-General. UNONsupports...
