The International Visegrad Fund – Standard Grants

The International Visegrad Fund is an inter­na­tional orga­ni­za­tion based in Bratislava, Slovakia. The pur­pose of the Fund is to facilitate and pro­mote the devel­op­ment of closer coop­er­a­tion among cit­i­zens and insti­tu­tions in the region as well as between the V4 region (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia) and other coun­tries, espe­cially the Western Balkans and coun­tries of the Eastern Partnership (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine). The Fund does so through grant sup­port of com­mon cul­tural, sci­en­tific and edu­ca­tional projects, youth exchanges, cross-border projects and tourism pro­mo­tion, and through indi­vid­ual mobil­ity pro­grams (schol­ar­ships, residencies).

As for Standard Grants funding, the Visegrad Fund enti­ties from at least three Visegrad Group (V4) coun­tries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) must be involved. It is advised, how­ever, to include part­ners from all V4 coun­tries.

Projects financed within Standard Grants should fall within one of the fol­low­ing six cat­e­gories: cul­tural coop­er­a­tionsci­en­tific exchange and researchedu­ca­tionyouth exchangecross-border coop­er­a­tion or pro­mo­tion of tourism.


Any legal entity or nat­ural per­son world­wide is eli­gi­ble for fund­ing, pro­vided that the given project pro­posal deals with top­ics rel­e­vant to the Visegrad region and pro­motes coop­er­a­tion among project part­ners in the region. Preferences are given to appli­cants from non-governmental and non-profit orga­ni­za­tions,munic­i­pal­i­ties and local gov­ern­mentspub­lic schools and uni­ver­si­tiesresearch and sci­en­tific bod­ies and pub­lic insti­tu­tions in gen­eral with the excep­tion of orga­ni­za­tions directly funded from a state budget—e.g. min­istries, embassies, cultural insti­tutes.


Minimum con­tri­bu­tion of the Fund for each Standard Grant is €6,001 and more. The finan­cial con­tri­bu­tion of the Fund can­not exceed 70% of total project costs includ­ing the in-kind con­tri­bu­tion of the appli­cant, or in-kind con­tri­bu­tions of other sub­jects. The max­i­mum time frame of the pro­posed bud­get is 12 months.


All grant appli­ca­tions must be sub­mit­ted through the on-line appli­ca­tion system by 12:00 (noon) CET on a given dead­line date; signed hard-copy ver­sions (print­outs) with accom­pa­ny­ing doc­u­men­ta­tion can be per­son­ally deliv­ered by 16:30 CET on the same day or sent by post with that day’s post­mark as the latest.

Deadline: for more information about deadline, please check here.

For more information please see the Grant guidelines.

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