Paid Internship at National Geographic
Summary of Position
Unique opportunity to train with National Geographic writers and editors, learning the craft of short-form journalism from an industry leader.
Internship Responsibilities
– Intern will be taught proper techniques for performing background research on story ideas, and will be trained in the compilation of those ideas.
– With guidance and feedback from an experienced editor, Intern will be given the opportunity to contribute to the online Food Hub content (research and write daily food facts, help plan weekly schedule, monitor reader comments on the food blog for spam, etc.)
– Intern will learn how the Short Form team helps produce the digital edition of NGM (writing captions for photo galleries, etc.) and will be given the chance to participate in that process.
– Intern will be allowed to attend daily meetings of the NG News team and may, with guidance from an experienced reporter, be invited to complete short writing assignments.
– Intern will gain insight into the business side of NG by attending advertising meetings, learning how NG keeps track of ad-adjacent pages, etc.