Market Development Innovation Officer
(Vacancy Reference Number: GSA/2018/625)
The European GNSS Agency (GSA) is responsible for the operations and service provision for the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) EGNOS and Galileo. By developing a new generation of GNSS, Europe is laying the foundation for new high-technology industry development, leading to job creation and economic growth. These European flagship space programmes, which embody what can be achieved when Europe works together, are already bringing real benefits to people and business in Europe and around the world.
The GSA’s core mission is to ensure that European citizens get the most out of Europe’s satellite navigation programmes. The Agency does this by:
- Designing and enabling services that fully respond to user needs, while continuously improving the European GNSS services and infrastructure
- Managing the provision of services that ensure user satisfaction in the most cost efficient manner
- Engaging market stakeholders to develop innovative and effective applications, value-added services and user technology that promote the achievement of full European GNSS adoption
- Ensuring that European GNSS services and operations are thoroughly secure, safe and accessible
- Understanding the users, the market and the user-related technologies (for example via the publication of the GNSS Market Report, the GNSS User Technology Report and the User Consultation Platform)
- Fostering the creation of European GNSS market demand, engaging the main user communities, building and implementing adoption roadmaps, capturing the user needs and feedbacks for improving current services and designing the next generation of services
- Creating a competitive EU offer of applications and products that answer the demand, in particular via the Research and Innovation tools, delegated by the European Commission, and fostering the EU industry and SMEs
- The Market Development Department is organised by vertical market segments (e.g. Road, Rail, Maritime, LBS, Mapping & Surveying, etc.) that require specific expertise, supported by horizontal functions, e.g. the Research and Innovation coordination.
The Market Development Innovation Officer will actively contribute to the fulfilment of the Agency’s
duties related to the implementation of market development activities.
His/her tasks and responsibilities
shall in principle include (without limitation):
- Monitor the market and analyse attractiveness, trends, industry value chain, competing and complementary technology
- Analyse user needs and translate them into user requirements by performing ad hoc market research and coordinate user and stakeholder communities
- Evaluate the E-GNSS value proposition and identify key differentiators for the users
- Foster application development by managing the R&D applications within the European Commission R&D Horizon 2020 programme
o Contribute to the preparation of calls for proposal and the selection of projects
o Manage projects and perform technical monitoring and appraisal of results
o Manage reporting on projects status and identify suggested actions
o Ensure widest awareness and disseminate project results
- Manage technical R&D projects, aiming at developing new EGNSS solutions and products with particular focus on applications and receiver technology
- Analyse results of application market user tests
- Define the downstream market entry strategy actions for specific market segment(s)
- Cooperate with the value chain (e.g. receiver manufacturers, application developers, service providers)
- Manage the interface with receiver and chipset manufacturers to integrate EGNSS in their products, collect user requirements and ensure adoption
- Identify user needs to facilitate the design of new services or evolutions of current services of EGNSS by the Service Engineering teams
- Implement market development actions, giving highest priority to those most leveraging EGNSS differentiators for the users
- Act as the entry point for key market stakeholders in specific market segments
- Ensure user assistance and information/Customer Relationship Management (CRM) for EGNSS services
- Monitor user satisfaction, performing surveys for EGNSS services
- Support application developers and service providers, willing to invest in Galileo and EGNOS applications and services, with special focus on Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Manage projects and studies, involving internal teams and/or contractors, including the definition of the scope of work, preparation of tender documentation, evaluation of bids, negotiation of contracts and ensuring successful execution of related actions
- Support the Market Development team in the preparation of regular reporting
- Contribute to the overall GSA processes such as quality management and reporting
- Contribute to other tasks of the Market Development Department as deemed necessary
Place of employment: Prague (Czech Republic)
Deadline for applications: 22/08/2018 11:59 a.m. (GMT+2)