Mastering European Telecommunications Regulation

Cullen-International-CI-logoDates: April 12-14, 2016 – Brussels (Thon Hotel EU)

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Cullen International’s popular three-day masterclasses provide, in a nutshell, all you need to know on EU telecoms regulation. Nearly all previous participants said they would recommend this course to their colleagues.


This three-day masterclass provides attendees with:

  • a comprehensive overview of regulatory issues and developments in the telecommunications sector, using real-life examples and case studies from the European Union
  • an insight into the latest developments in the fields of:
  • broadband deployment and access regulation
  • market analysis
  • radio spectrum policy including the digital dividend
  • net neutrality
  • mobile roaming
  • carriers’ liability (mere conduit principle)
  • and universal service
  • a practical and applied learning approach, using case studies on market analysis and spectrum policy to reinforce understanding of key points
  • an historical perspective on European telecoms regulation for participants to gain a clear appreciation of the key regulatory trends and the benefits and difficulties of implementing a harmonised approach to regulatory issues in the telecoms sector.


This class will be of particular interest to:

  • seasoned regulatory experts who have become specialised in a specific regulatory area but who wish to refresh their understanding of the broader range of regulatory issues, or
  • individuals who have recently moved into a regulatory position and wish to acquire a rapid grasp of the key debates.

 This class is not designed for experts who already have a broad range of regulatory experience.

Read more and register here.

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