The School of Education and Continuing Studies is advertising for two PhD studentships. These are 3-year studentships covering payment of home/EU level fees. The studentships comprise a package of approximately six hours teaching-contact in each week of the 24 teaching weeks in each year. This teaching is currently paid at £43.20 per contact-hour (subject to a yearly increment change). Some or all of this teaching may be replaced by a package of paid teaching-support activities of equivalent value.
Project description
These studentships present a unique opportunity to complete a PhD in Education and Childhood Studies and develop highly transferable skills by working within a university environment. The department currently organizes its research around 3 research clusters:
Digital Society and Education
Childhood, Health and Culture
Pedagogy, Policy and Practice in Education
Applications are welcomed for projects aligned to these clusters.
Who should apply?
Applications for this studentship are welcome from Master’s-level graduates or those about to complete a Master’s. Applicants will also have a strong academic track record either in the field of Education Studies or Childhood/Youth Studies. Studentship is available to European/UK students only.
Location: Portsmouth, UK
Application deadline: Friday 31 July 2015 (midnight).
Interviews expected: Week Commencing 10 August 2015
Start date: 1 September 2015