Vacancy Notice N° o17/2018
Senior Project Officer (Grade B5)
Office of the Directorate General of Programmes
Council of Europe Office in Pristina
Job Mission
Under the authority of the Head of Office and the supervision of the Head of the Capacity Building and Cooperation Division, Directorate of Democratic Citizenship and Participation, Directorate General II: Democracy, the incumbent carries out multiple assignments to help meet the overall and specific objectives for the implementation of the project ‘Fostering rapprochement through education for democracy and language learning’, in co-operation with the donors, partners and other stakeholders, and in compliance with the organisation’s regulations and/or donor requirements.
Employment is limited to the duration of the Project which is expected to end on 30 April 2020.
Key Activities
The incumbent performs the following key duties in close co-operation with the Project team, and in accordance with the Organisation’s procedures, guidelines and priorities, with a concern for quality, efficiency, accuracy and confidentiality:
- plans, organises, facilitates and follows up on project activities (seminars, round-tables, conferences, expert meetings, etc.) in accordance with the project workplan, its calendar of activities and in close co-operation with headquarters and counterparts;
- ensures quality and relevance of programmes for activities, secures local and international expertise, prepares documentation and oversees the preparation by local partners;
- provides substance input on specific activities and regular advice to Headquarters concerning local developments in the thematic area;
- provides technical and substance briefings to short-term experts prior and during their missions;
- drafts terms of reference (call-offs) for different contractual engagements that are aimed at implementing each project activity;
- selects local consultants and service providers and negotiates contracts in consultation with headquarters;
- monitors and follows-up on purchase orders, contracts and mission orders, travel and accommodation;
- ensures close budgetary follow-up of all project expenditures, in accordance with CoE regulations and procedures and donor requirements;
- co-chairs the Steering Board meetings;
- provides and drafts briefs and reports on the project;
- prepares relevant meetings and drafts meeting minutes and lists of decisions;
- prepares mission reports related to programme activities;
- drafts briefing notes, speeches, speaking points, official correspondence and other contributions;
- contributes to raising the visibility of the project by drafting web news items and press releases and by disseminating information;
- informs regularly the Head of the Council of Europe Office on the implementation of the Project and co-ordinates his/her work within the broader framework of the overall action of the Office;
- contributes to the efficient functioning of the office, in collaboration with the Head of Office, the Deputy Head of Office and the direct Project management in headquarters;
- Undertake official journeys in connection with the activities described above.
Please note that the incumbent may be required to perform other duties not listed in the vacancy notice.
Closing date: 31 May 2018