Apply for the Congress “A new narrative for Europe!” in Germany from 31.8. to 03.09.2014!
Over 60 years ago – after the 2 World Wars during the 20th century – the first European Organization was built to guarantee peace by working together on issues connected to armaments industries like coal and steel – while it went hand in hand with the chance of prosperity in a destroyed Europe.
Until today the spirit of peace and prosperity is one of the key arguments for explaining the idea of an integrated Europe. This also goes for the enlargements in the last 10 years.
But is this enough for the idea behind Europe for generations that haven’t experienced war or fear of existence caused by other military and political powers? Or is the crisis of Ukraine a game-changer?
The Regional Representation of the European Commission Bonn (RRep) and the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) in Germany want to invite 60 young people (between 18 and 25) from all Member States of the EU to a conference to discuss about the future explanation of the European Union in the 21st century.
So, what does the EU mean for young people today? Why do we need a supranational organization and is a European Union really indispensable? And if yes, what should it look like? Which reforms might be necessary? Or are there good alternative models, which might work better than the existing EU? If not, how to reform the EU to perform in a convincing way for the European citizens?
All these questions will be discussed in 3 different workshops with the main topics “Society”, “Environment” and “Economy”. Each of the topics will be prepared in separate workshops and groups and brought together at the last day of the congress.
The aim of the youth congress is to have a document on a new narrative for Europe elaborated and adopted by the 60 young people during their meeting in Bonn – and to be handed over officially to the Commission President. High-level participation from the Commission envisaged as well as the assistance of the Minister-President of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Mayor of Bonn, etc.
It doesn’t matter if you are an expert or a beginner on European issues. Share what you think about how Europe should be understood in the future!
The congress takes place in Bonn, the former capital of West Germany. It will be between the 31st August and the 3rd September 2014. The participants arrive at the 31st August, the congress takes place on the 1st and 2nd September, departure is at the 3rd September. The congress language will be English – no interpretation/translation will be available during the event.
The travel costs to Bonn, accommodation and full catering will be covered by the RRep and the bpb.
The accommodation will take place at one of Bonn’s most extraordinary hostels – the basecamp in the “Night Sleepers”. The conference itself will take place at the premises of the Regional Representation of the Commission in Bonn in the very heart of Bonn (near Bertha-von-Suttner-Platz). At the end of the conference you will have the chance to celebrate the conference outcome at a World-Beat-Party on a ship on the river Rhine.
To send an application please fill out the following form online. The application will be closed at the 25th July 2014.