Student in Service Delivery Management

Grow your competencies as a Student in Service Delivery Management in Brøndby, Denmark

Start building the career you want as a Student in IBM. You’ll be joining a company that brings together people from diverse backgrounds to solve real problems for companies all over the world.

Apply your knowledge from your study into tangible achievements.

You will work in the IBM office in Brøndby helping the team of Service Delivery Managers two or three days a week. You will spend a lot of time talking to project managers, technicians, and your colleagues in Service Delivery Management about deadlines and status, as well as updating them into our management tools.

Work country: Denmark

Work city: Brøndby

Position type: Student/Internship

Read more and apply here.

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Communications and Research Assistant Traineeships

The Right Livelihood Award Foundation is currently looking for a Communications trainee and a Research trainee starting in December 2013 or January 2014. Application deadline early November....
