Syngenta Photography Award

syngentaThe second Syngenta Photography Award invites photographers from all over the world to explore the tensions and relationships between scarcity and waste through compelling imagery.

Photographers can submit their images in two categories – The Professional Commission and the Open Competition.

The Award, worth a total of US$65,000 in prize money, is now open for entries until September 15, 2014

Be part of a creative dialogue about our changing planet. The very best photography reaches beyond language. It is a powerful medium for communicating across boundaries, cultures, and different perceptions of the world.

Through compelling imagery, the Syngenta Photography Award aims to draw attention and stimulate dialogue around key global challenges. The award offers photographers an international platform for their work and also provides the opportunity to explore issues of global significance. This year photographers are invited to explore the theme Scarcity-Waste.

Entries are judged by a distinguished international judging panel chaired by the author and curator William A. Ewing.

The International New York Times is the global media sponsor of the Syngenta Photography Award.

Read more and enter the competition here.

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