Tag: Vienna

Senior Lawyer – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA)

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is looking for a Senior Lawyer The Administration department is responsible for supporting the operational work of the Agency, enhancing its ability to function as a best practice, knowledge-based, lean and service-oriented public body. The department Administration is composed of the following three sectors: Finance and Procurement, ICT and …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/senior-lawyer-european-union-agency-for-fundamental-rights-fra/

Team Assistant – International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Organizational Setting The Office of Public Information and Communication provides objective, accurate and timely information about the IAEA and nuclear developments that foster public understanding of the IAEA’s global role. It also provides advice to the Director General on his relations with the media and organizes his press briefings. The Office coordinates the communication activities …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/team-assistant-international-atomic-energy-agency-iaea/

Russian-language Translators – UN

Special Notice •The purpose of the present Job Opening is to invite applications from prospective candidates who wish to take the competitive examination for Russian-language Translators in 2015. •The competitive examination for the recruitment of Russian-language Translators will be held on 25 August 2015 in Moscow, Geneva, Nairobi, New York, Vienna and other locations according …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/russian-language-translators-un/

Senior Meetings Assistant – OSCE Secretariat

The OSCE Secretariat is looking for a Senior Meetings Assistant Background The Office of the Secretary General (OSG) provides general services to the Secretary General (SG), the Chairperson-in-Office and the participating States. It groups service-oriented offices (Legal Services, Conference and Language Services, the Prague Office and Central Records Management), and policy-oriented offices (Communication and Media …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/senior-meetings-assistant-osce-secretariat/

IEC Outreach Officer – IAEA

Job vacancy –  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Organizational Setting The Department of Nuclear Safety and Security (NS) formulates and implements the IAEA’s nuclear safety and security programme, which encompasses the Agency’s activities to protect people and the environment from radiation exposure, and responds to the safety and security related needs of its Member States. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/iec-outreach-officer-iaea/

Soil Scientist – IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) is looking for a Soil Scientist Organizational Setting The Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications implements the IAEA’s Major Programme 2, “Nuclear Techniques for Development and Environmental Protection”. This Major Programme comprises individual programmes on food and agriculture, human health, water resources, environment and radiation technologies. These programmes are supported by …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/soil-scientist-iaea/

Legal Officer – IAEA

The International Atomic Energy Agency is looking for a Legal Officer Main Purpose Under the supervision and guidance of the Section Head, the Legal Officer (General Legal) prepares legal opinions, legal instruments and documents, and provides legal advice on the application and interpretation of such documents, primarily in connection with administrative and policy matters relating to, inter …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/legal-officer-iaea/

Roma Internship Programme – FRA

Roma Internship Programme: September 2015 – August 2016 What is it all about? A paid internship of one year with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) starting on 1st September. This internship scheme is addressed to Roma candidates only. Candidates of Romani background who have completed either a post-secondary education attested by a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/roma-internship-programme-fra/

Editing & Production Support Officer – FRA

The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) is an EU Agency based in Vienna. The objective of the Agency is to provide the relevant institutions and authorities of the Community and its Member States when implementing Community law with assistance and expertise relating to fundamental rights, in order to support them when they take …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/editing-production-support-officer-fra/

Internship – European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, FRA

Call for applications for Internship Programme September 2015 – August 2016 is now open What is it all about? A paid internship of one year with the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) starting on 1st September. This internship scheme is addressed mainly to young university graduates, without excluding those who – in the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/internship-european-union-agency-fundamental-rights-fra/