Within the framework of the Belgian policy for development cooperation, the Minister for Development Cooperation and the Directorate-General for Development Cooperation entrust the Belgian Higher Education Institutions with the preparation of Postgraduate Programmes (Advanced Masters) and Training Programmes that are specifically oriented towards young professionals from developing countries. International Courses and Training Programmes are part …
Tag: Zimbabwe
Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/scholarships-belgium-call-applications-2015-2016-now-open/
Disability Rights Scholarship Program
Open Society Foundations Disability Rights Scholarship Program The Disability Rights Scholarship Program provides year-long LLM awards to disability rights advocates and lawyers to develop new legislation, jurisprudence, impact litigation, and scholarship. With the knowledge and networks gained through the scholarship, fellows will have the ability to challenge rights violations in their home countries by drafting enforceable …
Permanent link to this article: http://www.cosmopolitalians.eu/disability-rights-scholarship-program/