UNDP CSAC Project and the South Sudan Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control have a harmonized work plan that seeks to jointly address the threat posed by the proliferation of small arms and community insecurity and foster an enabling environment for peace, confidence and development in South Sudan. This focuses on policy and legislation on Small Arms and Light (SALW) weapons control; stockpile management; awareness and sensitization campaigns focused on changing the mindset of the community members both in the short and long term basis.
With support from UNDP, the CSAC Bureau launched a robust public awareness campaign and community outreach programme in 2012, starting with the formulation of a comprehensive national public awareness strategy; interactive radio drama series and community sensitizations, using highly participatory educational and culturally compatible/relevant approaches throughout South Sudan.
The public awareness and community outreach programme on SALWs and community security is now active in ten states of South Sudan, with additional public information and community awareness programming under development. This initiative requires a dedicated Technical Specialist on Public Awareness and Community Outreach to work closely with the South Sudan Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control staff, under the CSAC Project and UNDP South Sudan’s Crisis Prevention and Recovery Unit (CPRU) programme team, by providing technical guidance and support to the effective design, implementation, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of national public awareness and community outreach and sensitization activities and related programming on SALW control and community security.
Location: Juba, SOUTH SUDAN
Application Deadline: 11-Feb-13
Read more and apply here.