The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia has a vacancy for a Trade Officer
The European Union (EU) maintains diplomatic relations with nearly all countries in the world. It has strategic partnerships with key international players, is deeply engaged with emerging powers around the globe, and has signed bilateral Association Agreements with a number of states in its vicinity. Around the world the EU is represented by a network of 140 Delegations and offices which have a similar function to those of an embassy. In Malaysia the EU Delegation is based in Kuala Lumpur and has 16 staff members.
The Delegation of the European Union to Malaysia is looking for a qualified and experienced individual who will assist the Trade and Economic Head of Section in carrying out the Delegation’s work on trade matters. The successful candidate will be employed as a Local Agent Group I on a contract of indefinite duration. Applicants are invited to submit a CV and a cover letter.
Closing date for the receipt of applications: Friday 18 October 2013 midday