The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe offers traineeships twice a year for a period of three (minimum) to five (maximum) months. Next traineeship session will be as follows:
First session: between January 2015 – June 2015 (deadline 31 October 2014)
Who can apply?
Nationals of the member States of the North-South Centre and/or the Council of Europe.
Can´t apply those who have already completed an internship at the Council of Europe or any of its institutions.
– Completion of higher education or successful completion of at least three years of university study;
– A very good knowledge of one of the Council of Europe’s official languages (English and French) and a good knowledge of the other;
– Good drafting ability.
The duties to which trainees are assigned include assisting with the preparation of activities, research, different types of drafting and other day-to-day administrative tasks.
The North-South Centre does not offer remunerated traineeships. The North-South Centre does however cover its trainees for medical and accident insurance during the traineeship period. Trainees are entitled to two days leave per month. The usual working hours are Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm.