Applications are invited for IASH-SSPS Visiting Research Fellowships of between two and four months. The IASH-SSPS Visiting Fellowships are intended to encourage outstanding interdisciplinary research, international scholarly collaboration, and networking activities of Visiting Research Fellows together with SSPS academics. Fellows will be expected to work in collaboration with one or more members of SSPS academic staff, and to take an active part in IASH interdisciplinary events.
The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities is housed in an 18th century courtyard close to the University Library and about 20 scholars are in residence at any time. Fellows are allocated a private office in the Institute with all the usual research facilities. During the course of their stay in Edinburgh, IASH-SSPS Visiting Research Fellows will be expected to make two seminar presentations on their research – one at IASH and one in SSPS – and to take part in IASH work-in-progress sessions and relevant seminars in SSPS.
Expected outcomes from Visiting Fellowships will be joint publications, and/or joint applications for research funding, and/or a collaborative research seminar series or workshop event involving their SPS academic partner.
Funds are available in support of Fellowships travel and accommodation costs.
Deadline: 28 February 2015
Read more and apply here.