Youth Activism Conference in Budapest

UNITED invites your organization to nominate participants for the UNITED Conference in Budapest, “#YOUACT: YOUth ACTivism shaping our Intercultural Europe”.

Europe is facing a moment of great difficulty. Politicians across the spectrum are misusing the difficult economic circumstances to gain votes for populist causes, targeting ethnic minorities and, increasingly, the migrants coming to Europe in search of a better future. As a result, nationalist parties are polling highly, and racist rhetoric and intolerance are on the rise, often disguised as economical arguments. This conference takes place from 14 to 19 October 2015, Budapest, Hungary.

Considering this complex situation, the conference aims are to create a platform:

  • To explore and reveal the core economic and psychological causes of racism as a step to identify adequate response for them;
  • To understand the recent developments, risks and challenges in Europe by exploring the local and regional context where youth antiracist work happens;
  • To exchange and create new methods and good practices in antiracist youth work both offline and online;
  • To build opportunities for working together more efficiently whilst increasing motivation for innovation and networking through youth work.


The conference is planned for 75 participants (living in the countries of the Council of Europe) who represent (inter-)national antiracist, antifascist, migrant and minority rights organizations. Active grass-roots groups from all over Europe are also invited. Especially organizations working with youth projects in the field of antidiscrimination and against hate are invited to nominate.

As a participant, you should have:

  • Knowledge of and passion for the topic;
  • influence and interest in youth work;
  • experience with strategy development;
  • plans on multiplying the knowledge gained into your organisation’s own activities.

Priority will be given to nominations from young delegates (up to 30 years old) with a minority background. Preference is given to those organisations that actively take part in the annual UNITED campaigns. Participants should act as multipliers, spreading the information to as many people as possible.

Full board & lodging & bus transfer to the venue & complete program are included. Organisations that have paid their 2015 supporter fee to the UNITED Network will receive a 50% reduction of the participation fee.


The cost of your visa can be reimbursed by UNITED on the base of an original invoice from the Embassy.

Application Deadline 23rd August 2015 – 24:00

To apply, you have to fill out online application form.

For more information, please check the official web page.

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The second Roma Youth Conference organized by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe will be held during 19-22 October 2015...
